The Art of Weeding
Believe it or not, weeding is an art. Timing is everything when it comes to weeding. Pulling weeds before they make seeds and reproduce...

Edible Gardening handbook Release!
Edible Gardening Handbook Release! We are thrilled to announce the release of Edible Gardening: 10 Essential Practices for Growing Your...

Simple Rules for Pruning Deciduous Fruit Trees and Vines
Effective approaches to pruning trees, vines and shrubs vary quite widely. There is by no means a “correct” way to prune. And yet, there...

Are School Gardens Built to Last?
It is promising to see the increasingly widespread public and private support of school gardens in the US. Acceptance of school gardens...

Growing School Gardens
We're delighted to announce the release of our recent collaboration with the Center for Ecoliteracy on behalf of Annie's Homegrown,...